Five months left to collect BASIS Professional Register points

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BASIS Professional Register members are being reminded that there are just five months left until the end of the points year.

BASIS Professional Registers and Accounts Manager, Michele Williams, explains that members must collect a specified number of BASIS CPD points by 31 May 2018, to maintain their professional register status.

“There are numerous ways in which BASIS members can top-up their points before the 31 May deadline, including visiting exhibitions, conferences, trial sites and technical seminars,” she says.

A maximum of eight points per year can also be collected from reading a wide range of technical industry publications and newsletters.

“The number of points an individual member must accrue depends on their qualification. For example, those holding the Certificate in Crop Protection for agriculture, vegetables or horticulture must collect 40 points per year, and those holding an additional FACTS nutrition qualification require 50 points,” says Michele.

“We’ve currently got 5,591 members, with over 200,000 CPD points to be collected during the year, and encouragingly, well over half of these have already been allocated. But there are still plenty of opportunities to meet your quota before the end of May.”

Stephen Jacob, BASIS CEO reiterates the importance of Continued Professional Development (CPD), explaining that it is essential for agronomists, advisers and farmers to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly developing agricultural and horticultural industries.

“Over the past few years, we’ve seen agronomy step up a gear, and with the uncertainty around Brexit, and tightening regulations, this is expected to continue,” he says.

“New technology, restrictions and stewardship guidelines are being introduced all the time, so it’s essential that those providing advice remain up-to-date, and collecting BASIS CPD points will help to do so. This will allow consultants to deliver the latest information, and assist farmers in making informed decisions.”

Points requirements

Members can access their training record on the BASIS website, or via the BASIS app at, to find out how many more points they need to collect.

For more information please visit or contact a member of the BASIS team on 01335 343945.


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