ADAS updates IPM Tool to include benchmarking features

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ADAS has updated its IPM Tool to enable users to see nationwide crop risks and compare pest, disease and weed control practices with other farms.

Already, 880 farmers, agronomists and advisors have reportedly made use of the tool this year, as wet weather has caused abnormally early crop disease pressure. More than 1,200 bespoke cropping plans have been created online and the new benchmarking functionality will enable growers to see current risks on a national level.

John Gadsby, agricultural consultant at ADAS who led the development of the IPM Planning Tool said: “A primary goal for creating this tool in the first place was IPM knowledge sharing. The ability to see how other farmers are approaching IPM interventions will give users a chance to learn from all those who have completed an IPM plan, and ultimately provide a means for peer-to-peer learning with an ever-expanding pool of farmers”.

Philip Walker, senior consultant at ADAS and project coordinator, added: “The IPM Planning Tool is proving to be a useful and popular support for farmers and agronomists, and the latest update shows that we have considered that a real-time functionality is a useful addition and allows users to make up to date decisions for practising IPM”.

Thomas Clayton, a mixed arable, outdoor root crops, and livestock farmer based in West Suffolk agreed: “The IPM Tool has been really useful for us managing crops across such a diverse rotation. It allows us to see if we are on the right track for IPM this current season and also gives us the opportunity to plan and adapt our IPM approaches for future seasons.”

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