Alternative method to tackle nematodes in beet crops

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Certis’ nematicide product, NEMguard DE (garlic extract), has been granted an ‘Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use’ (EAMU) to allow applications to be made to outdoor crops of fodder beet and red beet for the control of free living nematodes.

Peter Hingley, independent vegetable consultant, explains the significance of this development for the industry. “For UK livestock farmers, fodder beet has the potential to be one of the highest yielding forage crops grown on-farm, with exceptional nutritional qualities and palatability for stock.

“Red beet, on the other hand, is a commercially important crop that is increasing in popularity due to its numerous health benefits. However, being root crops, both fodder beet and red beet can be extremely susceptible to pest damage caused by free living nematodes.

“Such pests can be responsible for causing up to £1 million of damage to root crops alone,” he adds.

“NEMguard DE is a fully registered crop protection product, containing active ingredients formulated from garlic (allium sativum). Being a natural product, NEMguard DE is an alternative to conventional chemistry. In addition, it can be used in organic crop production, a useful addition for organic livestock and red beet producers.

“NEMguard DE has no maximum residue level, and is proven to be effective in the control of nematodes in various crops.

“CRD responded very quickly and favourably to the EAMU request for NEMguard DE to be used on fodder and red beet for the control of free living nematodes, which indicates the increasing demand for nematicides in these niche areas,” says Mr Hingley.

The EAMU authorises that for use of NEMguard DE on outdoor crops of fodder beet and red beet, the maximum individual dose is 10kg/ha, and only one treatment per crop is permitted. The latest time for application is at planting.

“It is hoped in the future that a use can be established for the UK sugar beet crop,” concludes Mr Hingley.

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