Smart farming collaboration for layered data capture

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A collaboration between Amazone and Bayer’s digital platform Fieldview, aims to simplify digital data capture.

Amazone equipment is already FieldView compatible but this partnership should lead to seamless capture of layers of agronomic data.

The collaboration has led to better documentation for variable fertiliser rates based on application maps. For those varying fertiliser rates on opposing sides, this variable data is precisely captured.

The FieldView Cab App has also been enhanced to improve connectivity with Amazone’s  seed drill technology. For those machines equipped to simultaneously apply seed, fertiliser and other inputs, again all the data is recorded.

Amazone smart farming product manager Gregor Bensmann, believes machine-generated data layers will increasingly be the basis for decisions for agricultural businesses. “The compatibility between our machines and systems such as FieldView enables our customers, through simplified access to the data, to identify additional optimisation potential in their operations and adapt processes accordingly.

Access to further sensor data contributes even more to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of agriculture.”

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